9th Annual Nebraska Wind and Solar Conference Returns to Lincoln
Will Include a Visit to LES’s New Solar Facility
For Immediate Release: September 26, 2016
For More Information Contact: Nicole McDermott (402) 637-4455
LINCOLN- The Ninth Annual Nebraska Wind and Solar Conference will be held at the Cornhusker Marriott Hotel, 333 S. 13 Street in Lincoln, NE Monday, November 7 – Tuesday, November 8. This year’s conference will include updates from wind and solar experts, public power utility CEO’s, Nebraska State Senators and others. The conference will be preceded by a tour of Lincoln Electric System’s (LES) SunShares Community Solar Project on Sunday, November 6.
On Monday, sessions include a series of panel discussions. Nebraska State Senators will discuss recent wind and solar legislation and issues first thing Monday morning. After break, a panel will discuss the benefits of solar energy for rural communities. Monday noon, the CEO’s of Nebraska’s three largest public power utilities will share their views. Monday afternoon, panels will discuss wind and solar zoning regulations; operating and planning of the electric grid during turbulent times; and community solar. All sessions allow time for questions.
Tuesday’s schedule includes an update on Nebraska Public Power Districts “R-Line;” a discussion about the effects of renewable energy on rural agriculture economy; and solar for farms, businesses and residential.
“The conference includes knowledgeable experts covering topics that will appeal to anyone interested in wind and solar energy,” said John Hansen, conference co-chairman. “We are also going to be addressing some of the myths about renewable energy that have been in the news lately.”
On Sunday, conference attendees will be able to participate in a tour of LES’s nearly five-megawatt facility near West Holdrege and Northwest 75th Streets.
“We are pleased to work with LES and to allow access to the solar project for our conference attendees,” said Dan McGuire, conference co-chairman. “This solar array is the largest in Nebraska and includes 15,333 solar panels. It will be impressive to see.”
Registration is $125 until October 8 and student Registration is $65. Rooms at the Cornhusker Marriott Hotel are $114 per night until October 8, which includes free parking. Registration information is available on the conference website http://nebraskawindandsolarconference.com/.
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To view last year’s presentations, go to http://www.neo.ne.gov/renew/wind-working-group/2014conference/2014conference.htm.