2017 Nebraska Wind and Solar Conference Report
The 10th Annual Nebraska Wind and Solar Conference was held November 8-9th in Lincoln at the Marriott Cornhusker Hotel. On Sunday afternoon 25 participants toured the Lincoln Electric System wind turbines on the northeast side of Lincoln along with their biogas project that is used to produce electric power.
The 325 participants heard from 38 speakers in 18 sets of general session and workshop presentations. The conference shared the latest and best information on wind and solar energy development with a diverse set of stakeholders that solar installers, public officials, landowners, environmental interests, wildlife interests, and public utilities as well as the public at large.
The conference general session and workshops included:
Monday Morning: Co-Chairs Welcome, Mayor Chris Beutler, Nebraska Energy Director David Bracht on the status of wind and solar development, Congressman Fortenberry “Husker Power”, Tom Kiernan, CEO of AWEA on the “State of the Wind Industry”, and a state Senator Panel discussion;
Monday Afternoon: Noon luncheon speakers were the CEO’s of the three largest Nebraska public utilities, First-hand Experience from Nebraska’s Wind Project Landowners, R-Project Update from NPPD, the State of the National Solar Industry from four national leaders, Solar and Battery Storage, and Balancing Community Concerns.
Tuesday Morning: Tennessee Valley Authority’s Renewable Energy Projects, Kimball Wind Decommissioning and Redevelopment, and Local Public Power Renewable Energy Projects.
Tuesday Afternoon: The Noon luncheon speaker is Paul Clements of Facebook: “What Corporate Companies Look For with Renewable Energy Procurement”. Other speakers include Wind Impacts on the Southwest Power Pool and Nebraska Pricing, and Navigating Wildlife and Regulatory Pathways with state and federal officials.
In addition to the conference sessions, there were 28 exhibitors and 31sponsors that helped support the conference as well as share their information with attendees.
Report respectfully submitted by John K. Hansen, Co-Chair