September 14, 2020
Contact: John Hansen, 402-476-8815
Twenty-four Nebraska Farmers Union Farmers and Ranchers Join Fight for Stronger Food System at NFU’s Fly-In
WASHINGTON – As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, National Farmers Union’s traditional fall Fly-In has been converted into a virtual event. Twenty-four Nebraskans are registered to participate in the briefings from USDA and Congressional leaders and meetings with state Congressional members. More than 400 farmers, ranchers, and rural residents are gathering online this week to participate with the first ever virtual Fly-In.
“Family farmers and ranchers have been struggling for years with sagging commodity prices, non-competitive livestock markets, price depressing chronic overproduction, global trade that focuses on volume only with no regard for fair value for ag producers, and inadequate access to affordable broadband coverage. When the COVID-19 hit, it made an already difficult situation for family farmers and ranchers worse. Climate change-related disasters in recent years have added to the financial challenges of farmers and ranchers, said Nebraska Farmers Union President John Hansen. “Like always, since 1909, this Fly-In gives Farmers Union members the opportunity to share their experiences with their members of Congress. No one knows more about the issues facing our farmers and ranchers than the farmers and ranchers themselves.”
Family farmers and ranchers from across the country will champion policies that support pandemic recovery, reduces chronic price depressing overproduction, restores competition to agricultural markets, strengthens rural healthcare, improves access to broadband internet, ensures the success of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), helps farmers and ranchers implement climate-smart practices, and expands the market for homegrown biofuels.
The 24 participants from Nebraska include Bill Armbrust-Elkhorn; Lynn Belitz-Fullerton; Ben Gotschall-Raymond; Graham Christensen, Laura Priest & Laura Thomas-Omaha; Mary Alice & Richard Corman-Edgar, Al Davis-Hyannis; Keith Dittrich & Rich Johnson-Tilden; Dan Griffith, Matt Gregory, Camdyn Kavan, John Hansen, & Travis Waldron-Lincoln, Julie Hindmarsh-Fremont; Vern Jantzen-Plymouth; Vic Jensen-Tekamah; Jim Knopik-Belgrade; Bill Ripa-Wilber; Andrew Tonnies-North Bend; Art Tanderup-Neligh, and Paul Theobald-Osmond.