September 29, 2021
Contact: Lyndsey Medsker
[email protected]
Washington – In comments filed this week with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the National Farmers Union strongly encourages the Agency to make appropriate regulatory changes to support increased use of mid-level ethanol blends, including high octane, low carbon fuels.
In the comments filed on Monday, NFU President Rob Larew detailed the challenges that climate change poses to agricultural production and family farmers’ ability to pursue improvements in global food security and how biofuels can address some of these concerns.
“Biofuels have played an important role in supporting family farms, which have faced a struggling economy and significant pressure to stay in production,” commented Rob Larew, NFU President. “NFU has long supported the use of ethanol as a fuel additive for gasoline formulations to enhance octane levels. Use of higher ethanol blends provides significant benefits to the rural community, the environment and beyond.”
The full NFU comments are available here.
NFU also joined with the High Octane Low Carbon Alliance on submitting additional comments in support of higher octane, lower carbon fuels. HOCLA includes the National Corn Growers, Renewable Fuels Association and the Clean Fuels Development Coalition. The full comments are available here.
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National Farmers Union advocates on behalf of nearly 200,000 American farm families and their communities. We envision a world in which farm families and their communities are respected, valued, and enjoy economic prosperity and social justice.
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